Efore Code of Conduct

Efore Code of Conduct

Efore recognizes that it is in the long-term interest of the company as well as of its stakeholders that Efore commits to high standards of ethical conduct and compliance with applicable laws. To emphasize the importance of this commitment, we have set up this Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is based on the United Nation Global Compact´s ten principles and the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC®) code of conduct version 5.1.

All Efore companies and employees must comply with this Code of Conduct and follow it without any exceptions. Efore also requires its suppliers and their subcontractors to comply with this Code of Conduct. The supplier must upon Efore’s request provide information and allow access to it´s premises and verify to Efore’s reasonable satisfaction the compliance with this Code of Conduct.

Acts which are inconsistent with this Code of Conduct must be corrected and are subject to disciplinary actions.

Efore’s management is committed to develop and implement a Management System aimed to ensure the compliance with the contents of this Code of Conduct.

Ethics and the Law

We are committed to full compliance with all relevant international and national laws and regulations as well as locally established good practices. We emphasize that complying with the laws is only the minimum level of ethical conduct. We create internal policies and guidelines to ensure that the highest standards of responsible conduct and good corporate governance practices are met throughout the organization, including reasonable control of non-use of minerals from conflict countries and tracks the origin of these metals used in our products all the way to smelters in the supply chain.

All employees must obtain understanding of laws relevant to their work and take measures to ensure compliance with these laws.

Human and Labor Rights

We respect and support internationally acknowledged human rights as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and labor rights expressed in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We will not tolerate discrimination of any kind in our organization. Each employee is treated fairly and equally regardless of her/his age, sex, religion, race or similar factors. We are committed to equality in our recruitment and employment practices. Applicants and employees are treated and
evaluated according to their skills and merits. We promote equal opportunities and offer career opportunities on the basis of merits only.

We respect the right of all personnel to establish or join trade unions and other representative organizations. Employees´ right to collective bargaining is recognized.
We do not use or profit from child labor. All our employees have reached the minimum legal age for employment. As stated in ILO Minimum Age Convention the minimum age is the age of completion of compulsory schooling and shall not be less than 15 years (16 years in China).

Furthermore as stated in United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child children below age of eighteen years are not employed to work that is likely to interfere with her/his education or is harmful to her/his health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.

We do not use or profit from forced or slave labor or other forms of involuntary labor. We do not allow practices that would restrict employees´ free movement. Employees are anyhow expected to follow reasonable notice times as required by law or their agreements.

Good Workplace Practices

We are committed to creating good workplace practices in all our locations. This means that we continuously develop our internal practices to ensure the well-being of personnel.
Our employees understand the conditions of their employment and their agreements. Our compensation policy is to provide fair compensation and benefits. No one of the personnel is paid under minimum salary level that is defined in local laws and regulations. We observe and conform our operations according to national working hours laws and regulations.

We respect our employees´ privacy and assure adequate level of personal security for our employees and create adequate standards of data protection.

We treat all employees with respect and dignity. We do not allow any kind of corporal punishment, harassment, physical or verbal abuse or any form of intimidation.

Environment, Health and Safety

We are committed to respect and protect environment and promote sustainable development in all our operations. We comply with local environmental, health and safety laws, agreements and standards and have established internal Environment, Health and Safety Policy and local guidelines to further promote highest standards of conduct in the field of EHS.

We provide a healthy and safe working environment according to international standards and legal requirements related to health and safety. We provide employees with proper health and safety information, equipment and training. We are committed to continuous improvement of working environment.

Conflicts of Interest

We are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest and to disclosing any potential or actual conflict of interest situations. We never engage in conduct that would compromise or even appear to compromise sound business judgement. We do not accept personal gifts tied to any agreements or understandings that include benefits in exchange of the gifts.

We abstain from offering, paying or accepting bribes or any illicit payments in order to obtain or retain business opportunities.

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